We judge the result using carefully selected criteria and a clearly defined scale for each measure. We also report the average time in seconds for printing a 4-by-6-inch image.įor testing output quality, we use both the files that we time and the additional output printed as part of our business applications and photo suites. Documents with graphics, photos, or even text with significant formatting are likely to take longer. Because this is a text document, it needs little to no processing time, which means the results reflect the fastest speeds you can expect to see from the printer. We also report the speed in pages per minute (ppm) for the entire document and the document without the first page included. We print each document several times and average the results.įirst we report the times for the entire Word document, for the first page only (as a first page out, or FPO, time), and for the rest of the document without the first page. To measure performance, we time and report results for the 12-page Word document in the business applications suite and for the 4-by-6 photos in the photo suite. We print photos at the highest quality available without using custom or advanced settings. For photo printing, we use the paper the vendor recommends if there is no vendor recommendation, we use a high-quality plain paper for lasers or a generic photo paper for inkjets. The color images are chosen to include skin tones, a wide range of shading from dark to light in a single image, and memory colors (real-world colors people tend to remember) such as grass green and sky blue. We use nine color photos and one monochrome photo. The photo suite includes 300dpi resolution photographs in two sizes: 4 by 6 inches, and 8 by 10 inches. All output is on plain paper, and all images are printed in default mode. Some have only text, while others include embedded charts and photos. The business suite includes documents created in and printed from Adobe Acrobat and Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. We print each one several times to be sure we're getting the full picture of how well a printer works. To thoroughly test every aspect of printing, we have assembled two sets of documents. How to Set Up Two-Factor Authentication.How to Record the Screen on Your Windows PC or Mac.How to Convert YouTube Videos to MP3 Files.How to Save Money on Your Cell Phone Bill.
How to Free Up Space on Your iPhone or iPad.How to Block Robotexts and Spam Messages.